The Alternative Resume, by Nancy Dorrier
Today, after connecting on many points with a fabulous candidate for our team, I asked him: “Harry, what would take me a long time to find out about you, the good and the bad?” Without hesitation, he told me about his music career and his deep abiding love for his parents, his love of cooking and holding dinnertime sacred with his family, and the Friday night Seders where everyone comes, even the teenagers. When I said, “And the bad,” he said without hesitation: “I don’t write things down. In the moment, I am not thinking of the future moment when I will need the information, and that has gotten me in trouble. I’m also more afraid than I look like. I am filled with fear.” He said it with a little catch in his throat, being afraid as he said it. It was totally authentic, and I got it. I shared that I too was afraid. And I shared that, as consultants, we know it’s universal; it’s not personal, and it is everywhere. And we pretend it is nowhere. “So write...