Integrity, Principles, Points of View, Stories to Follow

Integrity, what is it?

Doing what works, doing what you say you will do, and on time.

Integrity, Principles, stories to follow...

Being related and integrity are the source of results, and that is it.

Look there strategically.
Are you building relationships?
Are you being true to your word? To your strategy?

Being true to your values
Being true to your standards and ideas
Being true to who you have said your self to be

Guilt and shame is not integrity
They are internal states. You are loyal to your internal state (how you feel)
At the cost of being out here Related in the world

You are dancing with disempowering conversations

You could give your word not to do that
When you notice a disempowering conversation
When you notice being loyal to how you feel about it
Unless you are lit up and empowered by how you feel, but mostly regarding not keeping
your word, you are ashamed, guilty and embarrassed

All of which are internal states

Just don't buy into it and entertain the disempowering conversations as true

You could meditate, pray
Call a friend who won't coddle you or buy in,
Take a hot bath
Take a walk
Have a good cry
Get or give a hug or both
Have some good hot soup
Tell someone you love him or her
Tell someone you are sorry
Ask someone what you can do for him or her

All that is good and healing

And all that, even the bath or long walk,

Is the practice of someone working on their integrity and authenticity and their leadership
power and mastery

By distinguishing being out of integrity and restoring it and building it and the same for autheticity. Distinguish it as missing, and then bring it present by sharing where you have been pretending and separate and the impact that has on others and clean it up

With your partner, commit to having an honest and supportive and friendly and spiritual relationship each responsible for in what ways you don't make it work by being separate and not following through on what you know works

Doing what you know to do whether you promised to or not

Doing what you promised

Being and doing


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